
Adjunct Affiliations
Affiliated Faculty, Political Science
2012: Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (This is the highest attainable degree in Hungary) Doctoral Dissertation Entitled Magyar-amerikai kapcsolatok, 1942-1949
1999: “Kandidátus” of historical science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1993: University doctor, ELTE University Budapest
1991: Master of Arts, Indiana University Bloomington In. Summer 1991: Exeter College Oxford, International Relations
1988-1989: Indiana University Bloomington In., History and Political Science
1981-1986: ELTE University Budapest, English-History major
Honors and Awards
- 2017 Pataki Ferenc Prize for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2012-2013: Fulbright Visiting Professor, Indiana University
- 2011 Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs O’Donnell research grant from the Bush Presidential Library
- 2008: Hungarian-American Scholarship and Enterprise Fund scholarship for research in the National Archives, Washington, D. C. Home institution: The Elliot School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
- 2006: Gold Cross of Merit, Hungarian Republic
- 2006: Bezerédj Zoltán Prize (Hungary’s first privately established prize for scholars)
- 2000: Hungarian Academy of Sciences/Russian Academy of Sciences scholarship for research in Moscow
- 1998-2002: Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. This is the most prestigious research grant for mid-career scholars in Hungary
- 1998: Guest Researcher, Norwegian Nobel Institute. This is a highly prestigious scholarship for leading researchers of the Cold War. Other recipients included Melvyn Leffler, Vojtech Mastny Vladislav Zubok, Kathryn Weathersby.
- 1996: Fulbright Scholarship for a visiting professorship at the Department of History, Dartmouth College
- 1995: Soros scholarship for archival research in Moscow; École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales scholarship for research in the foreign affairs archive in Paris
- 1995: Ránki György Prize of the Hungarian Historical Association
- 1994: Cold War International History Project Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars scholarship. This was a highly competitive scholarship for young scholars of the Cold War from the former Soviet bloc and the former Soviet Union and China.
Professional Experience
Currently: Scientific Advisor (tudományos tanácsadó), Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012-2013: Fulbright Visiting Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington
2010-2012: Hungarian Chair Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington
Spring 2010: Guest Professor, ELTE University Budapest
2005-2006: Hungarian Chair Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington
Summer 2001: Guest Professor University of New Orleans/University of Innsbruck Summer Semester in Innsbruck
1999/2000 Hungarian Chair Professor Indiana University/Research Fellow, Institute of History, HAS since 2000
Spring 1999: Guest Professor, ELTE University Budapest
1997: Hungarian Chair Professor, Indiana University
1996: Fulbright Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College Department of History
1989-1993: Guest lecturer, University of Pécs
1989-1999: Junior Research Fellow, Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Courses Taught
Contemporary Central Europe (graduate, undergraduate), War and Peace in East Central Europe (graduate and undergraduate), Europe between Hitler and Stalin, 1933-1953 (graduate/undergraduate), History of International Relations, 1815-1938 (undergraduate), History of International Relations, 1938-2000 (undergraduate), Cold War History 1945-1991(graduate), Dark Decade: Hungary between Hitler and Stalin, 1938-1948 (graduate/undergraduate), Motion Picture and History (graduate/undergraduate), The Great Powers and Hungary, 1918-2000 (graduate/undergraduate), Hungary 1890-1945 (graduate/undergraduate), Hungary 1945 to the Present (graduate/undergraduate), Hungarian statesmen 19th and 20th century (graduate/undergraduate), History of Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th century (undergraduate), U.S. Foreign Policy after 1945 (graduate), U.S. History in the 20th Century (graduate/undergraduate), War and Peace in 20th Century Eastern Europe; Eastern Europe in International Politics
Selected Publications
2024: Survival under Dictatorships – Life and Death in Nazi and Communist Regimes, 1944-1953 Budapest-New York: CEU Press, 2024. 380 pages.
2022-Borhi László, A túlélés stratégiai – élet és halál a náci és kommunista diktatúrákban 1944-1953
Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Központ (Center for Humanities) 2022
Series: Magyar Történelmi Emlékek Értekezések (Hungarian Historical Memory Monographs)
Strategies of Survival: Life and Death between Hitler and Stalin Size of manuscript: 221,756 words.
Dealing with Dictators: The United States, Hungary and East Central Europe, 1942-1989. Indiana University Press, 2016.
Nagyhatalmi érdekek hálójában - Az Egyesült Államok és
Magyarország kapcsolata a második világháborútól a rendszerváltásig. Budapest, MTA BTK - Osiris Kiadó, 2015.
Magyar-amerikai kapcsolatok, 1941-1989 Budapest. MTA Történettudományi Intézete, 2009.
Magyarország a hidegháborúban Budapest, Corvina, 2005.
Hungary in the Cold War – Between the Soviet Union and the United States New York-Budapest. CEU Press, 2004. (Reviewers included Robert Legvold (Columbia University), Mark Kramer (Harvard University) and Holly Case (Cornell University).
A vasfüggöny mögött Budapest, Ister, 2000.
Megalkuvás és Erőszak. Debrecen, KLTE, 1997.
Az Egyesült Államok és a szovjet zóna Budapest, MTA TTI, 1994.
Edited Books
Soviet Occupation Policy in a Comparative Perspective: Austria, Hungary, Romania. Budapest, New York: CEU Press, 2015. Edited, Introduction and documents collected by Laszlo Borhi, Csaba Bekes, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ottmar Trasco.
Documents diplomatiques français sur l’histoire du Bassin de Carpates, vol. V. Redactuer en Chef Magda Ádám. Budapest, Akadémia, 2010. Editor
Documents diplomatiques français sur l’histoire du Bassin des Carpates, vol IV. Redacteur en chef Magda Ádám Budapest, Akadémia, 2002. Editor
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“The Allies, Secret Talks and the German Invasion of Hungary, 1943-1944” in Hungarian Studies Review Volume XLVI-XLVII (2019-2020) 95-107.
“Interpreting and Dealing with the Ukraine Crisis: Implications and Lessons from History,” Brookings Institution, June 2014.
“Hungary’s Role in the Soviet Bloc” In: Imposing, Maintaining and Tearing Down the Soviet Bloc – The Cold War and East-Central Europe Edited by Mark Kramer and Vít Smetana (Lexington Books, 2014), pp. 87-98.
“The Power of Weak States in International Politics” In: Martin Eichtinger et. al eds. Reassessing History from Two Continents – Festschrift Günter Bischof. Innsbruck University Press, 2013.
“Bush és 1989” In: Megroppan a világrend – 1989-1991 célok, szereplők, következmények. Argumentum, 2013. 11-20.
“The Soviet Union, the United States and Eastern Europe, 1941-1953” In: Antonio S. Thompson, Christos G. Frentzos eds., The Routledge Handbook of American Military and Diplomatic History, 1865 to Present. Routledge, 2013. 77-88.
“The International Context of Hungarian Transition, 1989” In: Kevin McDermott, Matthew Stibbe eds., The 1989 Revolutions in Eastern Europe – From Communism to Pluralism. Manchester University Press, 2013. 113-135.
“Dealing with Dictatorship: The US and Hungary during the Early Kádár Years” In: Hungarian Studies, Volume 27, Number 1 2013. 15-66.
“Secret Peace Overtures, the Holocaust and Allied Strategy vis-á-vis Germany” Journal of Cold War Studies (Harvard – MIT) Volume 14, Issue 2 Spring 2012. Peer reviewed.
“Sowjetische Hegemonial und Wirtschaftspolitik in Ungarn.” In: Walter M. Iber-Peter Ruggenthaler eds.: Stalins Wirtschaftspolitik an der Sowjetischen Peripherie Graz: Studienverlag 2011.
“Stalinist Terror in Hungary 1945-1956”. In: McDermott-Stibbe eds.: Stalinist Terror in Eastern Europe Manchester University Press 2010.
“A nemzeti külpolitika határai” Történelmi Szemle 2010/2. Peer reviewed.
“Akár német megszállás árán is” Századok Füzetek 2009/2. peer reviewed
“Was American Foreign Policy Really Tragic?” Journal of Cold War Studies Volume 7 Issue 1 Winter 2005.
“We Hungarian Communists are Realists” Cold War History (LondonSchool of Economics – Frank Cass)Volume 4, Number 2 2004. Peer reviewed.
“Empire by Coercion” Cold War History Volume 1 Issue 2 2001. Peer reviewed.
“The Merchants of the Kremlin” CWIHP Working Paper No. 28 Woodrow Wilson Center.
“Rollback, Liberation, Containment or Inaction? U. S. Policy and Eastern Europe in the 1950s” Journal of Cold War Studies Volume 1 Issue 1 Fall 1999. Peer reviewed.
“Az Egyesült Államok Kelet-Európa politikájának néhány kérdése” Történelmi Szemle 35/3-4, 1993. Peer reviewed.
“Az amerikai diplomácia és a szovjet politikai-gazdasági térnyerés Magyarországon” Történelmi Szemle, 35/3-4, 1993. Peer reviewed.
Selected Invitational Lectures and Conferences
The Treaty of Trianon in an International Perspective, University of Toronto, September 17, 2020.
“Dismantling the Iron Curtain? American Cultural Diplomacy and Hungary after 1956”, the 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, From State Policies to Transnational Interactions: Making Cold War, Concordia University in Montréal, Canada from August 4th-9th, 2020.
“The Holocaust in Hungary,” Seminar on the Holocaust in Eastern Europe, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, July 6-8, 2020.
“United States policy toward Hungary in the 1970’s and 1980’s,” From the Helsinki Accords to the fall of the Berlin Wall and Beyond. Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Washington, D. C. June 13-14, 2020.
The United States and Hungary after World War II. Matthias Corvinus Kollegium, Budapest Hungary. October 9, 2019.
The US and the Cold War in Eastern Europe. American Studies Guest Speaker series. Department of American Studies, ELTE University Budapest Hungary. October 3, 2019.
Egyén és hatalom – gondolatok egy előkészületben levő kötetről. Institute of History Center for Humanities Budapest. September 9, 2019.
A rendszerváltás nemzetközi összefüggései. ELTE University Budapest. May 30, 2019.
The Elusive Quest for Security – The Treaty of Versailles and Central Europe. Indiana University Bloomington. March 26, 2019.
From Sovietization to the Collapse of Communism. Hungarian Club, Washington, D. C. October 20, 2018.
The West and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Conference on the Prague Spring Fifty Years After. Charles University/Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. June 13, 2018.
Gyenge államok és nagyhatalmak a nemzetközi térben. Second Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. February 1, 2018.
Book Talk, Dealing with Dictators Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University/National Security Archives, Washington, D.C. 2017/4/4
Book talk, Hungary, the US and the Soviet Bloc Davis Center for Russian and European Studies Harvard University Cambridge Mass. 2017/4/10
Book talk, Dealing with Dictators, School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana 2017/4/5
Book Talk, Dealing with Dictators, Center for European Studies University of Florida Gainsville Florida 2017/4/20
Anatomy of a Stalinist Dictatorship: The Case of Hungary, 1945-1953, Center for European Studies, University of Florida, 2017/4/20
Book discussion, Dealing with Dictators, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Chicago Illionois, 2017/8/26
Buchprasentation, Dealing with Dictators, Institut fur Osteuropaische Geschichte und Das Institut fur Ungarische Geschischtsforschung in Wien, Collegium Hungaricum Wien 2017/11/14
The Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956, Hungarian Fulbright Committe, 2017/10/5
The Socialist System, Corvinus Egyetem course: Central European Urbanization, 2017/10/4
Kelet-Közép Európa és a nagyhatalma, 1945-1948, Fejezetek a magyar közigazgatás történetéből konferencia, 2017. november 8, bevezető előadás
A kis államok szerepe a nemzetközi politikában, ELTE BTK modernkori magyar program, 2017/11/9
The United States, Hungary and Central Europe, Corvinus Egyetem Geolectures series, 2017/11/10
Magyarország szovjetizálása, Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 2017/11/18 Diktátorok vonzáskörében, ELTE Pszichológia és Pedagógia Kar, Pszichológia Intézet 2017/1/ 23
Book launch for Attila Pók, Remembering and Forgetting Communism, Insitute for Advanced Studies, Kőszeg, 2017/12/7
20th Century Hungarian History Ballantine Hall, Indiana University, November 27, 2016
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the Cold War, Beane Hall, Loyola University, Chicago Ill. October 21 1956 The 1956 Hungarian Revolution, IMU, Indiana University, 17 October 2016
Could the US and the West have Saved the Hungarian Revolution? At conference „The Hungarian Revolution and Its Repercussions, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto Canada, October 14, 2006
Book Talk „Dealing with Dictators” Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto Canada, October 13, 2016
1956: The Freedom Fight that Changed the Cold War at Round Table, National Defense University, Washington, D.C. 12 October 2016 -Book Talk, „The Soviet Occupation of Romania, Hungary and Austria” Harriman Institute Columbia University, New York NY, September 28, 2016
1956 a nemzetközi politikában, Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium [Ministry of International Economic and Foreign Affairs] Budapest Hungary, 22 September 2016
1956 and the Cold War: Poland and Hungary, roundtable Town Hall, Budapest, July 2016 -Book Talk, “Soviet Occupation of Romania, Hungary and Austria” Austrian Cultural Center, Budapest June 21, 2016
Book Launch, “Székelyföld története” Center for Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 6 June 2016
1956, as a Turning Point in History? At conference “1956: Context, Impact and Remembrance” European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, April 19, 2016
Hungarian History and Politics, Kelley School of Business Indiana University, April 19, 2016 -Human Migration in Eastern and Central Europe at “Great Decisions” program, Meadowood Retirement Community Bloomington Indiana, 7 March 2016
Victims or Collaborators? Dictarial Systems in 20th century Hungary, February 3 Indiana University Bloomington
Hungary in the 20th Century, March 28 Hungarian Chair Conference, Indiana University
Containment, Liberation or Engagement? Hungarian Studies Conference keynote presentation, Munk Center University of Toronto
23-25 October: Vor 25 Jahren: Panel discussion Der Kreml und Der Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs. Diplomatische Akademie, Wien.
24 April: A szövetségesek katonai – politikai céljai és a magyar holokauszt, Crime, Responsibility, Memory: The Hungarian Holocaust After 70 Years. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
26 March: Panel discussion, Hungary 1944: The Fate of the Jews and the Roma. Jackman Humanities Institute/Center for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto
4 November: Hungary in International Politics after 1938 Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto
14 May: Dealing with a Communist Style Dictatorship: U. S. Policy and the Softening of Soviet Style Rule Europe Center/Department of History, Stanford University, Stanford, Cal.
4 April: The Power of Weak States in International Politics – Eastern Europe in the 20th Century Moderated by A. Ross Johnson. Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, D. C.
28 February: University of West Alabama Fulbright Lecture Series: Hungary: Its Land and Culture, Livingston Alabama
4 October: Dealing with a Communist Dictatorship – U. S. Policy and the Softening of Soviet-Style Rule The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge Mass.
3 April: Self-determination and stability: the great powers and Eastern Europe, 1918-1989 Hungary and the Post Communist World Two Decades After 1989, Hungarian Chair Symposium, Indiana University Bloomington In.
18 October: Flawed Peace: Trianon and Its Consequences Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Toronto
November: The Great Powers and Hungary in 1989 Clingendael Institute, Hague
November: Why was Eastern Europe Sovietized? – New Archival Evidence, Dropping, Maintaining, and Breaking the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and East-Central Europe Twenty Years Later. Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Office of the Czech Government, Prague
22 October: Hungary and 1989, Recasting the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 Södertörns högskola, Stockholm
14-16 October: 1989 in International Perspective – International Conference. Universität Leipzig, Global and European Studies Institute, Leipzig
October: Az Egyesült Államok és a rendszerváltás Az 1989. Év, nemzetközi konferencia Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Történettudományi Intézete, Budapest
10-12 September: International and Economic Aspects of the Collapse of Communism in Hungary, 1989 The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: Twenty Years On Sheffield International Conference Hallam University, Sheffield
September: The Hungarian Historiography of World War II Genesis of World War II Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
September: Diplomacy in a Whirlpool – Hungarian Foreign Policy from 1938 to 1941 International Conference on the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Budapest
September: A nagyhatalmak és a kelet-európai rendszerváltás 1989, Rendszerváltások konferencia, Pécsi Tudomány Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Pécs
September: Az Egyesült Államok és az európai hatalmi politika 1938-1940 hetven éve robbant ki a második világháború nemzetközi emlékkonferencia, XX. Század Intézet, Budapest
20 August: A nagyhatalmak és 1989 Páneurópai piknik jubileumi programok történész konferencia, Sopron
May: The United States and Eastern Europe, 1942-1944 Magyar-Román Konferencia, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Történettudományi Intézete, Budapest
April: Magyarország és Kelet-Európa helye az amerikai külpolitikában, Tudományos konferencia az Észak-atlanti Szerződés Szervezetének megalakulásának 60. évfordulója alkalmából Hódmezővásárhely, Emlékpont
March: Magyarország helye az Egyesült Államok külpolitikájában, 1942-1944 Magyar Történelmi Társulat, Budapest
February: Magyar rendszerváltozás és szuperhatalmi politika a legújabb kutatások tükrében Magyar Külügyi Intézet, Budapest
Date not available: Hungary’s Role in the Soviet Empire Ofiary imperiów, Imperio jako ofiary, Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw
Date not available: Dealing with a Dictatorship: The US and Hungary, 1945-1990 Universität Wien, Wien
November: From Yalta to Malta: Soviet Foreign Policy towards Eastern Europe, 1938-1989 Universität Wien, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Wien
23-24 October 2008: The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Failure of Peace in Europe International Historical Conference, Fateful Eights in Czech History: Historical Anniversaries of 2008 and Their Significance for Czech History Today, Czech Embassy Washington, D. C., George Washington University, National Security Archive, Washington, D. C.
October: A nagyhatalmak és a prágai tavasz, Hatvannyolc ma, Cseh Centrum, Budapest
June: Archival Research in Hungary, SICAR conference, Elliot School for International Affairs, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University, Washington, D. C.
May: Dealing with a Dictatorship: The United States and Hungary, 1956-1989, Elliot School of International Affairs, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University, Washington, D. C.
April 14-18: Lecture series at the University of Toronto, Munk Center for International Studies, Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Toronto: The Treaty of Trianon; Hungary in World War II; Hungary in the Soviet Empire; The Hungarian Revolution of 1956; The International Context of the 1989
April: A magyar-amerikai viszony változásai a forradalomtól a rendszerváltásig, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Történettudományi Intézete, Budapest
7 November: A Szovjetunió kelet-közép-európai politikája Jaltától Máltáig, Kommunista világ született: Oroszország, 1917, XX. Század Intézet - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Budapest
10 October: The Western Response to the Transition in Hungary, 1989, An Decisiv in Istoria Europei, Institutul Revolutiei Romane, Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga al Academiei Romane, Universitatea Valahia, Targoviste
27-28 September: The Communist Seizure of Power in Hungary 1945-1948, Ruch Komunistyczny w latach 1944-1956, Institut Pamieci Narodowei, Institut Studiow Polityzhnych, Sklarska Poreba
13 March: Magyarország a szovjet érdekszférában – a Rákosi rendszer, Magyar Történelmi Sorozat, Magyary Zoltán Népfőiskolai Társaság, 2007, Tata
6 March: A forradalom utóvédharcai az Egyesült Államokban és az ENSZ-ben, Márciusban Újra Kezdjük! – XX: Század Intézet, Budapest
14-15 February: Nézetek a forradalom nemzetközi vonatkozásairól, Az ötvenedik – Az 1956-os Forradalom és szabadságharc évfordulója a tudományban és a közgondolkodásban, Politikatörténeti Intézet, Budapest
21-23 June: The International Context of the Transition in Hungary, 1989, Society for Historians of American Foreign Policy, annual meeting, Chantilly Virginia My paper was read by Mark Kramer
2-3 November: The United States and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 1956 and its Impact on the Soviet Bloc, Columbia University East Central European Center, New York
26 October: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the United States, MIREES Conferences, Universitá di Bologna, Forli
25 October: The United States and Hungary in 1956, A cinquant’anni dall’insurrezione ungherese, Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma, Roma Tre Universitá degli Studi, Roma
20-21 October: The Year 1956 in World Politics (keynote lecture), Kryzysy systemu kommunistycznego 1953-1981, Instytut Pamieci Narodowei, Varsó, október 20-21
5 October: La Hongrie en 1956: Entre Moscou et Washington, La révolution hongroise de 1956 et l’Europe, Embassy of Hungary, French Senate, Paris
2 October: Hungary in the Cold War 1945-1956, Cold War Seminar series, The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge
2 October: The Hungarian Revolution and Its Implications: A Fifty-Year Perspective, Cold War seminar series, The Davis Center, Harvard University, Cambridge
October: Washington és 1956, Az 1956-os forradalom és szabadságharc hatása a környező országokra, Zala Megye Önkormányzata/Göcseji Múzeum Zalaegerszeg, Zalaegerszeg
27-30 September: The USSR and Hungary in the 1950s, 1956: Year of Crises, CERES, Munk Center for International Relations, University of Toronto, Toronto
September: Az USA és a magyar forradalom, Az 1956-os forradalom a világpolitikában, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia / Európa Intézet, Budapest
15-17 June: The United States, Western Europe and the Democratic Transition in Europe, 1982-1989, Europe and the End of the Cold War, Panthéon-Paris 1 – Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Paris
4-5 March: Hungary in the Soviet Empire, György Ránki Hungarian Chair Symposium, Indiana University, The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence: 50th Anniversary Conference, Bloomington
10 November: Hungary in the Soviet Empire, 1945-1956 Keynote presentation, Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, University of Toronto, Munk Center for International Studies, Toronto
7 October: Hungary in the Soviet Empire – New Evidence, New Interpretation Discussant: Hope Harrison. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C. 2005
20 June: Az Egyesült Államok Kelet-Európa-tervei, 50 Éves az Osztrák Államszerződés, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest
10 May: Magyarország útkeresese az angolszász hatalmak felé a különbéke érdekében, Magyarország katonai részvétele a második világháborúban, Hadtörténeti Intézet, Budapest
8 May: Az amerikai politikai elit elképzelései a háború utáni világról, 1945: Milyen jövőt képzelt el magának a világ? Politikatörténeti Intézet, Budapest
Professional Memberships
2012: Member, Editorial Board, Hungarian Historical Review (periodical of the Center for Humanities of the HAS
2010: Member, Editorial Board Történelmi Szemle (periodical of the Center of Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2011-2014: Member, Advisory Board of the Institute of Foreign Affairs of Hungary