Adjunct Affiliations
Director, East Asian Studies Center
Research Interests
Yuan-Ming Chinese social history. Social, political and military history of Mongol Yuan and Ming China.
Islam in China. Research on the history and current socio-political role of the Yunnan Chinese Muslim (Hui) community; focus on mosque architecture, halal food industry and economy.
Digital History Methods: GIS and Network Analysis. Applying digital, quantitative methods to biographical and geographical data mined from Chinese primary sources such as gazetteers, tomb inscriptions, official and personal biographical materials.
Introduction to East Asia (lower-division undergraduate)
Mongol Century (upper-division + graduate dual listed)
Great Wall of China (lower-division undergraduate)
Chinese History (year-long, lower-division undergraduate)
Japanese History (year-long, lower-division undergraduate)
Modern Korean History (upper-division seminar)
World History (year-long, lower-division undergraduate course)
Buddhism in America (lower-division, team-taught course)
Mongol Empire (upper-division undergraduate seminar)
Comparative Frontiers (graduate seminar)
Modern Silk Roads: China and Central Asia Reconnected (upper-division and graduate level)
Ethnicity and Nationalism in China (upper-division and graduate level)
The Cold War in East Asia (upper-division and graduate level)
Asia Through American Eyes (upper-division undergraduate)
Dao in Daoism and Confucianism (upper-division undergraduate)
Select Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications:
“China and Transregional Halal Circuits,” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 5 (2018): 208-227.
“Permitted and Pure: Packaged Halal Snack Food from Southwest China,” International Journal of Food Design 2.2 (2017): 167-182.
“The Medieval Uyghurs of the 8th through 14th Centuries,” in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, ed. David Ludden. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017, online: http://asianhistory.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277727.001.0001/acrefore-9780190277727-e-232 .
“Qipchak Networks of Power in Mongol China, in How Mongolia Matters: War, Law, and Society, ed. Morris Rossabi (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2017): 69-86.
“A Network Analysis of Qipchaks in Mongol China,” in The Family in Central Asia: New Perspectives, ed. Sophie Roche (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2017): 289-308.
“Yunnan’s Muslim Heritage,” in China’s Encounters on the South and Southwest: Reforging the Fiery Frontier Over Two Millennia, ed. J.A. Anderson & J.K. Whitmore (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2015): 135-155.
“Neo-Confucian Uyghur Semuren in Koryŏ and Chosŏn Korean Society and Politics,” in Eurasian Influences on Yuan China, ed. Morris Rossabi (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2013): 178-199.
“Globalization and the Chinese Muslim Community in Southwest China,” Asia Pacific: Perspectives 10.1 (May, 2011): 61-80.
“People in the Middle: Uyghurs in the Northwest Frontier Zone,” in Battlefronts Real and Imagined: War, Border, and Identity in the Chinese Middle Period, ed. Don J. Wyatt (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), 253-89.
Subjects and Masters: Uyghur Elites in Mongol China, Western Washington University, Center for East Asian Studies Press (2007). Online at: https://cedar.wwu.edu/easpress/1/
Select Recent Conference Presentations and Participation:
24 Nov. 2019. “Sinology Serving the State,” paper presented at Sinology During the Cold War International Workshop, Berlin Germany.
6 Sept. 2019. “Economics in Command: Halal Food Networks in China,” International Conference: “Halal As a Way of Life”-Circulation and Transformation of Islamic Normativity in Muslim and Non-Muslim World, L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Social, Paris.
25 April 2018. “Marketing Muslim Piety in China.” Dept. of History, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH.
5-6 Jan. 2018. “Transnational Halal Flows and China,” Islam and China Workshop, Center on Religion and Chinese Society Purdue University, at American University of Sharjah.
18 Dec. 2017. “Refugee Personnel in the Yuan Southern Censorate.” Migrations in Mongol Eurasia conference, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
6 Oct. 2017. “Demographic Analysis of the Yuan Southern Censorate Bureau.” Central Eurasian Studies Society annual conference, University of Washington, Seattle.
26-27 April 2017. “Marketing Halal Food Products in Southwest China.” Pleasure, Providence and Purity: An International Conference on Food and Drink in Islamic Societies and Cultures. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture, Hong Kong.
27-29 March 2017. “Marketing Halal in Southwest China.” Ethnographies of Islam in China, SOAS, Univ. London.
12-14 March 2015. “Building the Yunnan Hui Community: Local and Trans-Local Phenomenon.” International Conference, Social Cohesion and Diversity: Hui-Muslims in China and Muslims in Europe, Yunnan University, Kunming, China.
26-28 Nov. 2014. “Network Analysis of Qipchaks in Yuan China,” The Family in the History of Central Asia Symposium, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
5-7 June 2014. “Network Analysis of Yuan Elites,” Middle Period Chinese History Conference, Harvard University.
Select Recent Conference Organization:
24-25 Nov. 2019. Co-organizer and Convener, “Sinology During the Cold War” International Workshop,” Berlin, IU Gateway Center, Germany
3-4 May 2019. Co-organizer and Convener, “Halal Economies in Non-Muslim Societies Workshop,” Berlin, IU Gateway Center, Germany
25 March 1997. Panel Organizer: “Alternative Narratives of Identity and Loyalty in Tang through Early Ming China,” Association for Asian Studies annual conference, Chicago.
Select Recent Fellowships and Grants:
Research Grants:
2020-21 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, “Ability and Authority in China” Working Group, travel stipend + MPG resources access.
2018 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsföderung Conference Support Grant, 2019 “Halal
Economies in Non Muslim Societies,” Berlin, €22,000; co-PI Rano Turaeva, Max Planck Institute.
Teaching and Administrative Grants:
2020 Association for Asian Studies, Council of Conferences Outreach grant 2,500.
2018-22 US Department of Education IU East Asian Studies Center, Title VI NRC & FLAS, $2,365,240.