Ph.D. Indiana University, Linguistics, 2012
M. Phil. University of Cambridge, English and Applied Linguistics, 1997
M. A. University of Tartu, English Language and Linguistics, 1996
Research Interests
Usage-based and interactional linguistics, second language acquisition, pragmatics, ethnography of communication, conversation analysis, sociolinguistics (language contact and variation), Estonian and Finnic linguistics, foreign language teaching and learning.
Current Research
I am expanding my PhD research on conversation-for-learning as a hybrid speech event. I study how adult second language learners make meaning in spontaneous conversation practice activities, focusing on interlanguage grammar as emergent in the social context of interaction. My second current research area involves bilingual speakers in language contact situation. I work with spoken language data from American learners of Estonian and the Estonian communities in the U.S.
Courses Recently Taught
Language: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced Estonian
Topics in Estonian culture: Old Barny, the Czar’s Madman and Estonian Survival
Estonia’s Place.
Kivik, P.-K. (2010). Eestlased ja eesti keel Ameerika Ühendriikides.
Tähelepanekuid kolmest kogukonnast. [Estonians and the Estonian language in the United States. Observations in three communities.] In K. Praakli & J. Viikberg (Eds.) Eestlased ja eesti keel välismaal. [Estonians and the Estonian language abroad] (pp. 195-238). Tallinn: Estonian Language Foundation.
Kivik, P.-K. (2010). Personal pronoun variation in language contact: Estonian.
in the United States. In M. Norde, C. Hasselblatt & B. de Jonge (Eds.) Language Contact -- New Perspectives (pp. 63-86). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kivik, P.-K. & Vogelberg,K. (2003). Contrasts between the contrasters: what discussion groups can tell us about discourse pragmatics. In K. M. Jaszczolt & K. Turner (Eds.), Meaning Through Language Contrast: Proceedings From the Second International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics, vol. 2 (pp. 73-401). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kivik, P.-K. (2002). Tähendus vestluses: kontekst, kavatsused ja suhtlemine [Meaning in conversation: context, intentions and interactions.]. In: R. Pajusalu; Tragel, I., Hennoste, T., Õim, H. (Eds.),Teoreetiline keeleteadus Eestis.[Theoretical Linguistics in Estonia](pp.120-132.): Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
Kivik, P.-K. (2002). Vaikus suhtluskäitumises: kultuuridevahelised erinevused [Silence in communicative behavior: cross-cultural differences]. In A.Valk (Ed.) Eesti ja eestlased võrdlevas perspektiivis[Estonia and Estonians in comparative perspective] (pp.175-192). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus.
Kivik, P.-K. (2001). "Silence: attitudes and beliefs in intercultural communication." In K. G. Andersen (Ed.) Communicating Culture. Language and Cultural contact series vol. 28 (pp. 59-79). Aalborg University Press.
Kivik, P.-K. (1998). “What silence says: communicative style and national identity,” Trames, vol. 2, 1, 66-90.
Conference Presentations
Selected recent peer-reviewed conference presentations:
Kivik, P.-K. (2012). ’You should here us speak among ourselves!’
American Estonian speakers’ attention to own speech. AABS conference on Baltic Studies, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, April.
Kivik, P.-K. (2012). Pragmatics of conversational actions: repairing understanding in foreign language conversation hour. Pragmatics Festival at Indiana University, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, April.
Kivik, P.-K. (2012). Conversation-for-learning: refining the features of a hybrid speech event. American Association for Applied Linguistics annual conference, Boston, MA, March.
Kivik, P.-K. (2011). Other-repair in conversation-for-learning: an interactional linguistic approach. American Association for Applied Linguistics annual conference, Chicago, IL,March.
Kivik, P.-K. (2009). Attention to form in Conversation-for-Learning:
inflectional morphology and interaction. Second Language Research Forum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Nov.
Kivik, P.-K.(2008).'There are no monsters in Lithuania': the Baltics as a conversational resource for American learners of Estonian. AABS 21st Conference on Baltic Studies. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN,June.
Kivik, P.-K.(2008).Doing conversation and doing learning in conversation-table talk. “Evolving Perspectives in SLA,” 2008 Graduate Student Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI,April.
Kivik, P.-K. (2007). Hybrid frame as a resource: conversation in Estonian foreign-language coffee-hour. 17h International Conference of Pragmatics and Language Learning, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, HI,March.
Kivik, P.-K. (2007). Estonian see ‘this/that/it’ in second language acquisition. Georgetown University Round Table on Language and
Linguistics: Little Words, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, March.
Kivik, P.-K. (2006). Estonian in the U.S.: variation of personal pronoun form. Language Contact in Times of Globalization, University of Groningen, Nov.
Honors and Awards
2012 E-text development grant from Indiana University
2006 REEI/Mellon Endowment and IU Graduate and Professional Student
Organization conference travel grants
2002 COAS student conference travel grant
2001-11 Associate Instructor Fellowship, Department of CEUS,Indiana University
2000 Recipient (non-primary)of the Estonian Science Foundation grant no. 4918
“Contrastive study of Estonian and American communicative behavior and Estonian interlanguage English”
1997 Estonian Academy of Sciences award for best student research paper
(second prize)
1996 Soros/FCO Scholarship for graduate study at Cambridge University