Educational Qualifications
Uyghur Language Tester, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages/Interagency Language Roundtable Oral Proficiency Interview (ACTFL/ILR OPI) (2012)
Certificate in Distance Education: System Planning and Management, Indiana University (2009)
Ph.D., Philological Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, Almaty, Kazakhstan (1992)
M. A., Russian Language and Literature, Ivanovo State University, Russia (1982 - 1987)
Gulnisa Nazarova is an ethnic Uyghur who was born in Kyrgyzstan, grew up and graduated from high school in Uzbekistan, obtained bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Russia, and received her PhD in Kazakhstan; however, she considers Xinjiang (The Uyghur Autonomous Region in China) her homeland since both of her parents were born in that region and moved to Soviet Central Asia in the 1950s. Gulnisa Nazarova was invited to teach intensive Uyghur at Indiana University in 2005 for the IU Summer Language Workshop. Due to the success of that course, the Department of Central Eurasian Studies (CEUS) invited her to continue teaching the Uyghur language during the academic year, in addition to employing her as a curriculum materials developer at the Center for Languages of the Central Asian Region (CeLCAR). Besides teaching the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of Uyghur, she occasionally teaches a cultural course entitled “Central Asia: Cultures and Customs” as a part of the CEUS Department's expanding undergraduate curriculum. In 2015 Gulnisa Nazarova received the Trustees Teaching Award in the At-Large NTT Faculty competition.
Research Interests
Uyghur language and culture; Comparative lexicology of Turkic languages; Problems of Etymology; Ethnography; Methods of Teaching; Uyghur migration in 1950s and 1960s from Xinjiang to the Soviet Central Asia (current).
Publication Highlights
An Intermediate Uyghur textbook “Voices from the Tengritagh” (2016) Georgetown University Publishing House, 2016. The book is co-authored with Qurban Niyaz.
An ElementaryUyghur Textbook “Voicesfrom the Tengritagh” (2013) Georgetown University Press, 2013. The book is co-authored with Qurban Niyaz.
Teaching manual: Lexicology of Turkish language (2003), Tashkent
Teaching manual: Introduction to Linguistics (2000), Tashkent
Selected articles:
Teaching Uyghur at Indiana University (in French and Uyghur) in the journal Uyghurlargha Nezer, Paris, France, 2015
Ustazimning Ejri Bar (in Uyghur) in the Uyghur newspaper Uyghur Avazi, Almaty, May 22, 2014
A short story (in Uyghur) Men seghinghan bayramlar [“The holidays I miss”] in the newspaper Ittipaq, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, December, 2009 (issue # 14)
One of the modern classics of Uyghur Studies (in Russian) in the book Selected works of Gojahmet Sadvakasov, Almaty, 2009
Indo-European Elements in Turkic Phytonyms (on the material of Uyghur, Uzbek, Kazakh and Turkish languages), 2005, Muenster, Germany
The Function of Chinese Phytonyms in Modern Uyghur Language (in Russian) in the compilation The Cultural, Literary and Language Dealings of Chinese with Central Asia: Now and Before, Tashkent, 2004
Etymology of Some Turkic Phytonym in the compilation A Philological Science of the New Century: Problems and Decisions, Tashkent, 2003
Sanskrit Elements in Modern Turkic Languages in the compilation Materials of the International Seminar, Tashkent, 2002
Chinese Lexemes in Modern Uyghur Language in the journal Orientalist, Tashkent, 1997
Ancient Loans from Sanskrit in Turkic Phytonyms in the compilation Materials of the International Seminar Devoted to 50th Anniversary of Faculties of Languages of Southern Asia, Tashkent, 1997
Selected conference presentations:
Soviet Union as the Land of Paradise: Reconsidering the Uyghur Exodus in the 1950s and 1960s from China to Soviet Central Asia at the conference Central Asia and Migration through the Perspective of Oral History (in the 20th century), Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
Teaching Uyghur at Indiana University at the week of Uyghur Studies in Paris, INALCO, France, 2013
Using Silent Movies in Uyghur Language Instructions at the Symposium on Kazakhstan, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2013
Uyghur Imitative Words and the Importance of Introducing them in Uyghur Language Instruction, Seventeenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2010
On Uyghur Personal Names, Fifteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2008
The Uyghur Custom of Bathing a Child on the Fortieth Day after Birth, Fourteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2007
Selected invited talks:
On Uyghur Names and Nicknames: What are behind the words? Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2016
They Made Us Refugees… (Who are the Uyghurs of Central Asia) at Gardner Bovingdon’s class, CEUS, November, 2014
Brief Introduction to Uyghur Phonology for the Graduate students of CEUS, IU, 2014
Central Asian Traditional Games in Uyghur and Uzbek classroom activities, Summer Intensive Course, IU, 2014
The Turbulent Province of China (Беспокойная провинция Китая), Summer Intensive Course, IU, 2014
Teaching Language through Culture: Using Uyghur Movies in Uyghur Language Instructions, Summer Intensive Course, IU, 2013
Using pictures in the classroom: purposeful design, Workshop for new instructors at CEUS IU 2011
On Some Issues of Uyghur Lexicology, Central Minzu University, Beijing, China, 2010
How to use classroom during the language instructions, Workshop for the new FLTS instructors, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2010