- Email:
- mtkrautk@iu.edu

2021 Ph.D., Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University (expected)
2016 M.A., Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University
Grants and Fellowships
2020 United States Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research – Title VIII Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, Federal Title VIII Grant
2019 United States Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research – Title VIII Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, Federal Title VIII Grant
2018 United States Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research – Title VIII Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, Federal Title VIII Grant
2017 Summer Pre-Dissertation Travel Grant, Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs, Indiana University
2017 Islamic Studies Travel Grant, Islamic Studies Program, Indiana University
2015 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Turkish
2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Uyghur
2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Persian
2013 Recruitment Fellowship, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University
Selected Employment and Experience
Graduate Assistant, Inner Asian and Uralic National Resource Center (2017-2018)
Associate Instructor, Department of Central Eurasian Studies (2015-2017) – classes include “Oil, Islam, and Geopolitics;” “Empire of the Mongols;” “Saints of the Silk Road;” and “Alexander, Jesus, and Other Islamic Heroes.”
Languages studied
- Uyghur (excellent)
- Kyrgyz (good)
- Turkish (good)
- Chinese (conversational)
- Hungarian (basic)
- Chaghatay Turkic (reading)
- German (read with dictionary)
- Uzbek (read with dictionary)
- Manchu (read with dictionary)
- Old Turkic (read with dictionary)
Dissertation Title
Everyday Devotions: Living, Working, Praying, and Dying in Xinjiang
MA Thesis Title
“All the Works and Days of Hands: An Exploration of Trade Manuals from Xinjiang (risālah) and a Translation”
Doctoral Committee
Dissertation Advisors: Professors Ron Sela, Devin DeWeese, Gardner Bovingdon, Winnifred Sullivan
2020 Review of Warrior Saints of the Silk Road: Legends of the Qarakhanids, by Jeff Eden. In Journal of Asian Studies, 79 (1), 163-164.
2018 Review of Negotiating Identities: Work, Religion, Gender, and the Mobilization of Tradition among the Uyghur in the 1990s, by Ildikó Bellér-Hann. In Central Asian Survey, 37(2), 338-339.
Conference Participation
2020 “An Islamic History in Southern Xinjiang: Everyday Devotions.” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, January 3-6.
2019 “Cloistered by the Graves of her Forefathers: The Genealogy and Hagiography of a Female Saint of Yarkand.” Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 14-17.
2018 “Standing Ashamed Before God: Islam and Authority in Altishahr.” 25th Annual Association of Central Eurasian Students Conference, February 23.
2018 “Lost in the Library: On Conducting Research in Archival Collections.” Association of Central Eurasian Students Brownbag Series, March 27.
Teaching Experience
At Indiana University Bloomington:
- Saints of the Silk Road (Associate Instructor)
- Alexander, Jesus, and Other Heroes of Islam (Associate Instructor)
- Empire of the Mongols (Associate Instructor)
- Oil, Islam, and Geopolitics (Associate Instructor)
Research Interests
Islamic History, Central Asia, Xinjiang, Uyghur religion, Real Presence, Negotiating Religiosity, Interaction between the Divine and the Human, Islam in China, Turkic languages,